

Study Guide

The Beginning of the I'huan Race

God said: I, the Lord, for my predecessors and successors and for myself, declare these things to mortals:

The chosen of God, called I‘hins, because they were the fruit of both heaven and earth, were taken, under the protection of God, his Lords and angels, to all the divisions of the earth for the fulfillment of man on the earth for the glory of the Almighty.

And I, the Lord, a one-time mortal, with my holy angels, who had sprung from the earth in former times, walked with man to keep him upright in the way he should go.

By command of God, the angels watched over man, teaching him often unknowingly to himself, in all good works and industry. By constant changes of watch the angels relieved one another daily, weekly and monthly.

And at no time did the angels leave the I‘hins alone, and without the light of heaven.

But wherever the I‘hins went, the angels went also, often taking on sar‘gis and being seen by man, even daily; and man talked with them face to face.

And the angels told man what was good for him; showing him the way of righteousness.

And man depended on the Lord and his angels for all things helpful to his understanding.

Now when the earth was inhabited in many places, and there were thousands of cities and villages, the Lord said to man:

Behold, you have made the earth the joy of the Lord; and now I give it into your keeping. What do you say?

And man answered: It is well; I can keep the earth, and I shall rejoice on it because it is the gift of God.

The Lord said: If I stay with you, day and night forever, you will not put forth your own power and judgment.

Man said: Go your way, O Lord.

Then the Lord withdrew awhile, taking his angels with him.

Now in those days, there were ground people dwelling in the wilderness who did not have the light of heaven in them, nor could they be made to understand.

As one may discourse to an ox, and it does not comprehend; so was speech to the people of darkness.

Nevertheless, in winter, when food was scarce, the ground people (druks) came to the cities of the I‘hins, begging for food. And the I‘hins, remembering the commandments of God, went out to them, treating them to everything good to eat.

Now, behold, the chosen were tempted by the people of darkness. And it came to pass that a new race was born on the earth, and they were called I‘huans, after the ancient warriors that destroyed the chosen, before the flood.

These I‘huans were copper colored and were capable of speech.

When God saw what had happened, he called to the I‘hins, saying: O you that could dispense with the Lord! Did I not give to you the mark of the circumcision as a limit to the line of my chosen?

Hear me now in my prophecy: The I‘huan shall be taught the name of Jehovih, the Great Spirit, and the plans of heaven and earth. And he shall one day inhabit the whole earth, holding dominion over everything on it and in its waters.

And ultimately the I‘hin race shall disappear from the earth; their kind shall not be found on this my footstool.

The I‘hins inquired of the Lord as to when these things would come to pass. The Lord said: In twenty thousand years.

The Lord said: From this time forward, the I‘hins shall not mingle with any other people on the face of the earth. This is my commandment. And whoever violates my word shall be cast out of my cities, and go dwell with the barbarians.

Because the I‘huans are your heirs, and are capable of everlasting life, you shall be the light of my kingdoms to them; teaching them peace, righteousness and mercy; but you shall in no case permit them to enter or reside in your cities.

Neither shall you raise a hand to do them harm. But if they come upon you in multitudes to take your stores, then you shall depart out of that city, leaving the I‘huans to take the goods and food for themselves.

God foresaw that the I‘huans should be separated from the druks, otherwise Yaks would again be born into the world.

And he said to the I‘hins: Behold, the I‘huans cannot hear the voice of the Lord, therefore go to them, saying: Thus says the Lord: If you mingle with the druks, your seed shall not inherit everlasting life, but go down in darkness.

And the I‘hins went and told the I‘huans the words of God. Nevertheless many of the I‘huans broke the commandment. And, indeed, Yaks were again born into the world.

The I‘hins said to one another: Are these not like those of the legends of old, who were made eunuchs and servants?

The I‘huans inquired the meaning; and when they were told, they made a law for themselves, making eunuchs and servants of both Yaks and the ground people wherever they came upon them.

The I‘hins feared the judgments of God in this matter, and they called out to him for a remedy.

But God answered them, saying: Because of the enmity between these two races, behold, they will not marry. Suffer the I‘huans to do in their own way. For of what profit is it to bring forth heirs that cannot inherit my exalted heavens? Because the tribes of darkness cannot be made to understand, behold, their souls go out of being as a lamp that is burned out.

So it came to pass that the I‘huans made eunuchs of the tribes of darkness; from both sexes they made them, and made slaves of them also.

The Lord said: The I‘huans shall have laws of their own. Let my chosen go to them and make laws for them, saying: Thus says the Lord:

The I‘huans shall be guardians over the I‘hins, the sacred people; and through the I‘hins I will bless the I‘huans, and make them mighty.

Since it is unlawful for the I‘hins to kill any beast, bird or serpent, behold, their cities and mounds are invaded by all types of evil beasts and serpents.

The I‘huans shall slay all such evil beasts and serpents.

And they shall guard the cities and mounds where my chosen reside.

The ground people and the Yaks shall be servants to the I‘huans. And the latter shall cast381 their servants, so they shall not multiply on the earth.

Hear, then, the law of God between the I‘huans, one with another:

Whoever does an injury to his neighbor or to a stranger, the same shall be done to him.

Whoever takes from another, he shall restore a twofold equivalent.

Whoever kills a man, woman or child, shall be put to death.

Whoever marries his sister or mother, or his half-sister or half-mother, they shall all suffer death together.

Whoever oppresses another shall be cast out of the tribe of his people.

He who blasphemes the Great Spirit shall be put to death.

He who does not respect the time of woman shall be put to death.

The fields I have given to the I‘hins, but the forests and wildernesses I, the Lord, have given to the I‘huans.

In all the great divisions of the earth, these things were; nor did one division of the earth have much preference over another. But in the warm regions, where the earth brought forth abundantly, the I‘huans and ground people dwelt most numerously.

In contrast, the I‘hins dwelt in both the warm and the cold countries. For they clothed themselves; and built habitations. But the I‘huans wore only a covering about the loins; neither did they build any habitations. And they roved about far and near.

But the ground people did not travel; and they mingled with their own kin, bringing forth heirs of darkness.

The I‘huans learned the laws and obeyed them; and they looked upon the I‘hins as a sacred people, doing them no harm.

And it came to pass that the I‘huans became a very prolific people; four times more prolific than the I‘hins, or the ground people.

And they spread rapidly over the earth, in all the regions where the earth brought forth fruit, roots, flesh and fish, that were good to eat.

For two thousand years the I‘huans prospered; and they became mighty in many countries.

But in course of time they began to war upon one another.

And for hundreds of years they descended lower and lower in darkness.

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